Kampurara, the Desert Raisin (Solanum centrale) is a small shrub that grows in sandhill
country after good rains and fires. It has velvety leaves, purple flowers and, when ripe,
the fruit is yellow. The fruit dries on the plant, looking something like a chocolate
brown raisin. This fruit stays on the bush for most of the year.

The fruit and flowers of Kampurara - the
Desert Raisin
photo Peter Latz
The fruit is very nutritious, and can be
eaten raw in its dried state. Alternatively, they can be picked and ground into a thick
paste, rolled into a ball and stored for a considerable period. Later these balls can be
soaked in water or ground to a paste with water, and eaten uncooked.
Solanum ellipticum
Bush Tomato

Tawaltawalpa - Bush Tomato
or Wild Tomato
photo Tim Low
A similar plant, but not as widespread is Tawaltawalpa (Bush Tomato) (Solanum
ellipticum), which is used in the same way.

Fruit of the Tawaltawalpa
photo Tim Low