Irmangka-Irmangka or Scented Emu Bush (Eremophila alternifolia) is
uncommon plant is found predominantly on gravelly limestone soils, and has pink or mauve
tubular flowers with dark red spots. The leaves are strongly scented, the branches knobbly
and the young growth sticky. It grows to one or two metres.

Eileen Brown with a bag of Irmangka-Irmangka
is prized by the local Antakarinja people for its use as a medicinal plant. The leaves are
boiled up with kangaroo fat and water to make a strong smelling, sticky gel, which is put
into tea or smeared onto the chest as a treatment for colds, headaches, chest infections,
and other minor ailments. It is also used to soothe painful bites and stings. This
medicine stores for a long time, and is said to encourage deep sleep.
Eremophila freelingii
Rock Fuchsia Bush

Aratja - Rock Fuchsia Bush
(Rock Fuchsia Bush) (Eremophila freelingii)
is a common plant throughout the region, with lilac flowers and soft hairy leaves, growing
on gravelly soils.
It is used in a similar way to
Irmangka-Irmangka, however leaves of this plant are also often crushed in the hand to
release a strong aromatic smell. This helps to clear blocked sinuses and cure cold
symptoms. |